Docker Run Centos Bash



  1. Docker Run Centos Bash Linux
  2. Docker Run Centos Image Bash
  3. Docker Run Centos Bash Commands
  4. Docker Run Centos Bash Ubuntu

I’m just getting started with Docker. I’ve thought for years that containerization is a great idea, but I haven’t actually done anything with containers yet. Time to get started.

Sudo docker run –it centos /bin/bash

I ran through a couple tutorials on the Docker docs site and created a account to get some basic familiarity.

Testing Docker Volumes Run the Container Interactively # When dealing with the interactive processes like bash, use the -i and -t options to start the container. The -it options tells Docker to keep the standard input attached to the terminal and allocate a pseudo-tty: docker container run -it nginx /bin/bash. Docker container run -it centos /bin/bash. As you can see from the output once the container is started the command prompt is changed which means that you’re now working from inside the container: root@719ef9304412 /# To list running containers:, type: docker container ls.

Alternatively, you can actively enter container sessions by running docker run -it ubuntu bash command and execute the further apt-get install nginx command. While the command is running, detach from the container using Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q keys and the container will continue running even if the Nginx installation process finishes. The official build of CentOS. This tutorial provides a starting point on how to install Docker, create and run Docker containers on CentOS/RHEL 8/7, but barely scratches the surface of Docker. Step 1: Install and Configure Docker.

I found the CentOS container repository on Docker Hub:

Docker run centos bash ubuntu

Let’s try running it!

$ docker pull centos
$ docker run centos
Apple combo update.

Did it do anything? It looks like it did something. At least, it didn’t give me an error. What did it do? How do I access it?

$ docker container ls


Nothing is actively running. That makes sense, because we’re not telling the containerized OS to do anything — it starts, it doesn’t have anything to do, and so it shuts down immediately. Instead we can tell it to run interactively and with a terminal by specifying a couple options:

-i, --interactive
-t, --tty
(“allocate a pseudo-TTY”, i.e. a terminal)
(see docker run --help for details)

$ docker run -i -t centos
[root@4f0b435cdbd7 /]#

I’m in!

What if I want to modify the container? Right now it is pretty bare-bones. For example, this doesn’t even have man installed:

[root@4f0b435cdbd7 /]# man man
bash: man: command not found

Docker Run Centos Bash Linux

[root@4f0b435cdbd7 /]# yum install man
[root@4f0b435cdbd7 /]# man man
No manual entry for man

Quite the improvement! Now we need to save our change:

Docker Run Centos Image Bash

[root@4f0b435cdbd7 /]# exit

$ docker commit 4f0b435cdbd7 man-centos
$ docker run -i -t man-centos

Docker Run Centos Bash Commands

[root@953c512d6707 /]# man man
No manual entry for man

Progress! Now we have a CentOS container where man is already installed. Exciting.

Docker Run Centos Bash Ubuntu

I can’t (that I know of) inspect the container and know whether or not man is installed without running it. That’s fine for many cases, but next I will attempt to figure out how specify via a Dockerfile that man is installed.